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Retailer Account Information

Can I set up a wholesale account with Renegade Game Studios?

Thank you for your interest in a retailer account!  We now can sell games through our site to retailers, including Renegade Exclusive games and promos. Please click here for more information about our Verified Retailer accounts. You may also continue

How do I create a Verified Retailer account?

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Renegade Game Studios retailer! We are excited to offer our games, including Renegade Exclusive games and promos, directly to retailers through our website. Sign Up: To purchase games directly from our websto

How do I order Heroscape OP kits?

Thanks for the interest in running Heroscape Organized Play.  Our hub for that is now the Heroscape Battle Network. is where you’ll register to be an organizer, create events, run events, and order a

Do retail store copies of RPGs include access to a PDF?

Physical RPG orders placed through our retail website or local game stores do not include a digital PDF version for your customers. While direct-to-consumer orders made through our regular website may include a PDF copy as noted on the product page,