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I'm having trouble downloading my PDF. What should I do?Updated 8 months ago

Thank you for reaching out to us! Pre-ordered PDF's are usually available about 2 weeks before the street date of the physical copies of a game. Release dates information is available here
Once the PDF is released, you will see a small blue arrow on the image of the PDF within your order history. You should then be able to download the pdf from your account using the following instructions:
  • Log into your account on the website or access it through the "check your order" link in the confirmation email
  • Click on the order number and an itemized list will appear. 
  • Clicking the blue arrow on the pdf on the list will allow you to download it

If you're able to see the blue download arrow and options within your account, but the links aren't working to download the file for you, this is most likely an isolated issue due to your download speeds, storage solutions on your computer, or other localized settings. It may take a few seconds for your download to begin. 

If you have trouble downloading the file, try allowing pop-ups for our site.

If you continue to experience issues downloading, we suggest that you try the following:
We suggest that you try the following:

  • On some devices, clicking is a bit different depending on your settings. Try pressing and holding instead of a quick tap, click with two fingers instead, or if you're using an external keyboard, you can try pressing the Control key while you click the trackpad to bring up options to save the link or open it in another tab.
  • There may be download errors when a very popular PDF is released. The server may be overloaded due to too many people attempting to download at the same time. We encourage you to try again at a different time. 
  • Restart your computer
  • Try downloading using a different browser
  • Make sure you have a good internet connection
  • Clear any cookies/cache before trying to download this again. 
  • Ensure that you have enough storage space on your device for the file

Please feel free to reach out to us here if you feel that you need more assistance!

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